by Andrew Chalk

When Akhil Reddy, one of the owners of Reddy Vineyards, went down to the SPCA in Dallas to choose a pet, he thought it would be a difficult task. Instead, Mila came over and sat in his lap. That made the choice easy. Since then she has been ‘happily neurotic’ as Akhil puts it.
Her mother was a Border Collie (hence the black and white) and her father was likely a German Shepherd. She was the only pup in her litter who had golden color.

She is a great companion during harvest season, staying up late helping founder Vijay Reddy. When he bought a golf cart to take clients around their over 300 acre vineyard Mila jumped in the front middle seat and ever since that has been her place.
She gives vineyard visitors a single friendly bark to greet them and then she stays by their side while they are there. Unless you are a rabbit that is. In which case she will chase you away. When there are new vine plantings around that is a very useful skill.
